Essential steps to understand how accessibility affects the way we consume digital content.
Podcast / Product Leadership
The better I know myself and the better I know my team, the better we can all do.
Enhancing Company Culture to Get Powerful Results Through Content Marketing
Coming up with a big idea is one tiny piece of a much bigger, creative puzzle to solve.
Making Complex Things Simple, and Simple Things Automatic
We can talk about stuff all day but the hardest thing to do is to ship a product out.
Ken starts off with how his passion for helping people put pieces together and have aha moments for themselves is derived from being an educator.
The first through the innovation door is always the first to be bloodied and battered but it’s definitely worth the achievement
Reflecting on 2016 Conferences with Powerful Women
True innovation comes when you apply a new technology or a new process to a really antiquated way of doing things and results to a paradigm shift.
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