6 Tips to Increase Readership of your CSR Report
Corporate Social Responsibility reports are enormous undertakings. They are months in the making, involve high-level strategic planning, and require complex logistical coordination. Companies spend valuable time and resources putting reports together. Yet broach “reporting” with many CSR executives, and their eyes float off into the distance and a fleeting smile wipes across their face.
Ask these executives, “Who’s reading your CSR Report?” Well, hardly anyone…
More and more companies are producing CSR reports. Most have yet to figure out how reports fit into an overall corporate strategy that strengthens the brand, and operational alignment. Consequently, they are content with the mere act of reporting and their reports often lack vision and imagination.
I believe that with a little creativity, companies can create CSR reports that attract, engage and inspire a broad audience of stakeholders and consumers. Below are six communication tips to help your company create a report that more people will read and share.
Check out the full article featured on TriplePundit at http://www.triplepundit.com/2013/12/whos-reading-csr-report/