BTA Commuter Challenge 2012
Emerge Interactive is proud to report that we had an amazing time participating in this September’s BTA’s Bike Commuter Challenge! Out of our 20 person staff, 7 riders participated by riding to work and logging miles at least once during the month, for a total of 810 miles in the entire month of September! The average commute rate was 69.7% and there were 89 total commutes.
The challenge is officially over, but a core group has formed who will continue to commute by bike and log miles throughout the year. In fact, 2 of the 7 participants have switched their commutes to bicycle from a different vehicle. Both of these “new riders” are now part of the core group who will regularly commute to Emerge on two wheels!
Emerge Interactive is an organization committed to green practices and sustainability. Learn more about our outreach & sustainability here.